Friday, October 23, 2009

Susan and I went to see Ranee today, she was much better than when I saw her on Sunday, it always amazes me how far she comes from one visit to the next. She was sitting up eating when I got there and she actually ate well. She was surprised and happy to see us, we didn't call ahead so she didn't know we were coming.

She got out of bed all by herself and went to the bathroom. Shirley was a little upset when Ranee locked us all out of the bathroom and went alone, but we got past that. LOL

We took her outside and let her sit in the sun a couple of times, it was a beautiful day. She was very frustrated today and just wants to come home. We had been warned about the frustration in the class we attended in Austin, so we were not too surprised to see that phase starting.

Most of all today she wanted to go shopping, she kept asking me to take her to the mall. I explained we were in Downtown Houston and she didn't believe me, so we had to take her to the window to show her. She kept saying she thought all this time she was in Huntsville. Not sure if that is still some of the confusion or if it finally clicked today that she is really Downtown. After that though she did stop asking to go to the mall.

Overall it was a great visit and I enjoyed spending time with her and she had very little confusion today compared to last Sunday. It is just amazing how well she is doing.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I went to see Ranee yesterday...when I arrived she was sitting outside in the sunshine. For the first time since the accident I KNEW she knew who I was and that felt so good. I walked up and she got the biggest smile on her face and she asked me what I was doing, then asked if I had a cigarette. LOL She immediately told her step sons that I was her friend and that I have had more back surgeries than anyone she knows. She told them I have a Harrington Rod in my back which is totally correct, I was so surprised she remembered that. Then she asked for a cigarette and asked and asked and asked. I finally suggested that maybe we should just get her one since she really seemed to be stressing over it and so we found her one and she immediately calmed down.

She was calm for the rest of the visit, she even napped a couple of times. We talked quite a bit when she was awake, she remembered my dogs and their names and kept trying to pull my website up on the TV...she was a bit confused and thought it was the internet, but she remembered I had a website.

She a little lunch, not enough, but at least she took a few bites. She just really seemed to be tired. Her potassium is still low, but her blood pressure is up some.

She wants to come home and see her dogs, but we kept telling her she has to eat first, so hopefully she will start eating better soon. She is busy, busy with her mind planning and trying to get things in order, she has always been organized and needed to have things planned out and it seems she still has that. We just keep telling her to let us worry about all of that and that everything is ok and she just needs to focus on getting better.

Overall she had a really good day and it was so great to see her up and about and smiling and talking so well.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sorry guys I haven't blogged in a few days, things have been busy. Ranee was having some bad days, but I see Teresa just posted on Facebook that she had a better day today. She has not been wanting to eat, but I just read she ate better today. She has been having headaches and getting confused a bit this week. Her blood pressure has also been low.

She has said she wants to go home and she wants to see her babies (dogs). I think it would help her if she could see them, so hopefully we can get that all arranged and make it happen. I am going to see her tomorrow and will take her a couple of gifts, hopefully they will cheer her up.

She has gotten to go outside some this week, I know that had to make her feel better to get out a bit. They had to shave her head and that bummed her out some.

I will report more after I see her tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Joe called today, he and Shirley went down to make sure Ranee got settled in. They stopped and got her some clothes on the way so she could finally get out of that hospital gown. Hopefully she got to get a shower today.

Ranee some how got her feeding tube almost all the way out, so the nurse took it out today. Joe said she did eat some solid food and is drinking water really well now.

The nurses seem to think Ranee is doing so well that she may not be there over 4 to 6 weeks. Visiting is everyday from 9 to 9 and 2 people can be in the room with her at all times. The Drs meet with the family every Wed from 4 to 6 to give a progress report on Ranee.

I hope to get down there this week to visit since I have not seen her yet when she was awake and talking.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ranee has been transferred to Houston

Ranee was transferred today to TIRR in Houston. Her Mom and Dad were able to come home and will be able to rest in their own bed tonight. Joe and Shirley will go down in the morning to check things out and she how Ranee got settled in. Rusty also came down and will be staying close by TIRR.

Ranee was able to eat some mashed potatoes today, but still has the feeding tube in for now. I can't wait to get down and see her!

The News We Have Been Waiting For

I just talked to Teresa and Ranee is being transferred to Houston. She will transported by ambulance to TIRR, we think later today. That is all the details she knows for now.

Ranee has been trying to get out of bed all morning and Shirley has been having to wrestle her to keep her in bed. I think this move is good because she will be doing PT most of the day and she needs that to keep her busy and tired out so she won't be so restless.

I will post more updates as I get them, but our girl is coming home. YIPEE!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Newest Update From Sister Teresa

Ranee' walked with the walker today down past the nurse's station.

They asked her if she had kids and she said yes, a son named Brandon. They asked her how old she is and she got a big smile on her face and said "29". :) She wanted a cigarette and Rusty said he thought they had quit smoking and Ranee replied "well I didn't!". She also talked to Brandon on the phone...he told her he loved her and she said "I love you too, Brandon".

They will be moving her tomorrow up to the 8th floor where she will be getting a lot more Physical Therapy, so that will be good for her. Still no definite date on the transfer to Houston, but I hope it will be soon as I am excited to see her again with all she is doing now.